
Creamy citrus smoothie

To be honest, I haven't been craving smoothies during this cold winter season. Especially since we have -4 F (-20 C) right now in Estonia. Brrrr! But I can't say no to this creamy and refreshing citrus smoothie. I've fell in love with blood oranges. They are SO sweet and super juicy. Of course you can also use regular oranges or clementines in this recipe. The "secret" ingredient for an extra refreshing taste is half a slice of lemon with peel left on.

Usually I always added dates to my smoothies. But now I've discovered that they are sweet enough even without the dates. Lately I've had this expensive habit to buy smoothies. Now I stopped this madness and started making my own again. It's so much cheaper, healthier and tastier! I've been taking this smoothie to my yoga class. It's a good quick and light refreshment just after the class and before swimming. What have been your favorite smoothie combinations during this season? I'd love to read about them!

Preparation time: 3 minutes

Serves: 2 large glasses

  • 2 large ripe bananas
  • 2 smaller blood oranges, regular oranges or clementines
  • half a slice of lemon with peel left on
  • 1 cup / 240 ml water


Peel the bananas and oranges. Tear them into pieces and blend them with lemon slice and water, until you have a creamy smoothie. Enjoy right away or take with you on the go!