
Vegan gingerbread cake (4 ingredients)

This gingerbread cake is BEYOND delicious and ridiculously easy. I'm a bit afraid to make it again, because I couldn't stop eating it. I have a huge love for soft gingerbreads. I used to buy these heart-shaped soft gingerbread cookies glazed with chocolate. The softness and the sweet spices together is just addictive. A few days ago I started thinking about Christmas desserts. I was wondering about making a regular cookie cake but with gingerbread cookies. Verdict - delicious! 

Basically you only need 4 ingredients - vegan gingerbread dough (I just bought the one that didn't have any butter or eggs in it), coconut whipped cream, lingonberry jam and sugar. The outcome is just unbelievably good. It reminds me of a honey cake, but even better. The gingerbread cookies make this cake taste all caramelly. Coconut whipped cream makes everything super moist and creamy and a soury lingonberry jam balances the sweetness. It's just a perfect winter dessert! The best part is that you can make it ahead a day or two days before! It just keeps getting better each day. Happy stress-free and delicious holidays!

Preparation time: about an hour

Serves: 12 squares

PS! Before making this dessert, keep the coconut milk cans in the fridge for a couple of hours or over night. 

  • 17 ½ oz / 500 g vegan gingerbread dough
  • 2 x 400 g canned full fat coconut milk (no emulsifiers!)
  • 4 Tbsp sugar
  • a little bit of lingonberry jam or cranberry sauce

+ some plant milk for dipping the cookies


Preheat the oven to 400 F / 200 C. Roll the dough on a floured surface until you have a thin and wide rectangle. Cut the rectangle into 40 squares (8 x 5 ) for example. Cover a baking tray with parchment paper and put the squares on it. Bake for about 8 minutes. I had to bake two trays of cookies. Cool the squares down. You will need 36 cookie squares for the layers and you can leave 4 not so pretty cookies to crumble onto the cake.

Take the coconut milk cans out of the fridge. Flip them upside down and open. Pour away the liquid (or use it in a smoothie or curry). Now scoop the coconut cream out of the cans. Add sugar and mix with a hand mixer for a minute or two. 

Now take a large platter or do like I did - take a large baking tray, cover it with parchment paper and layer the cake onto the tray. We have to make 3 layers of cake and each layer has 12 cookie squares. For the first layer, dip 12 cookies into a liquid and put them onto the tray. Spread a few tablespoons of whipped cream onto the cookies and add a couple of teaspoons of lingonberry jam. I swirled the jam with a fork, so it would be more even. Dip the next 12 cookies and make another layer. Add whipped cream and jam. Now dip the last 12 cookies, make the third layer, add whipped cream and jam. I also added some whipped cream onto the sides using a butter knife. Take the 4 leftover cookies and crumble them onto the cake. Keep the cake in the fridge for a few hours or over night.