
Vegan pumpkin pudding

My mom sent me a beautiful homegrown pumpkin. It had such a delicate and sweet flesh, that first I ate it raw. Then I roasted it with other veggies and made a delightful pumpkin soup. And now it's time for a sweet treat. So if you are in need for a quick and light yet satisfying Thanksgiving dessert, this is it. It has a little hint of lemon and cinnamon and the mixture is perfectly fluffy. Super easy to make too, I promise! I would really like to know what kind of delicious vegan meals you have planned for this Thanksgiving!

What's new? My Estonian publisher contacted me a couple of days ago and said that they are making a reprint of my very first cookbook. It was definitely unexpected but awesome news. My first cookbook was published in 2012, so it's a pretty old one. I was so surprised that people were still asking for it at the stores all the time. So the publisher gave me a few days to make some corrections or additions, because they want to get it out before Christmas. Needless to say, I have cooked like a maniac all weekend. I also have the info that my latest Estonian cookbook will be selling out too. Super happy and thankful for this!

I hope you are having a great week and please go see Hacksaw Ridge, if you haven't already. It was mind-blowing. I cried several times because it was just that good and based on a true story. And after that, make this pudding :)

Preparation time: 15 - 20 minutes

Serves: 4 people

PS! Before making this recipe, put the coconut milk can into a fridge for a couple of hours or over night.

  • 4 cups / ½ kg pumpkin flesh, cubed
  • ½ cup / 120 ml water
  • 4 Tbsp sugar
  • ½ Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp grated lemon zest
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 14 oz / 400 g can full fat coconut milk or coconut cream


Put pumpkin cubes, water and sugar into a pot and bring to a boil. Let it boil for 10 - 15 minutes, until the pumpkin is soft. Drain any excess water. Add lemon juice, lemon zest and cinnamon. Blend everything, until you have a smooth pumpkin purée. Let it cool down completely. Now take the coconut milk can out of the fridge and flip it upside down. Open it and pour away the liquid. Scoop out the coconut cream from the bottom of the can. Add the cream to the pumpkin purée and mix it with a hand mixer until fluffy. Divide the pudding into serving bowls. You can serve them right away, but they are the best when left in the fridge for a couple of hours or over night. Serve with more whipped cream, if you want and some grated lemon zest. Enjoy!